Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

Know the Five Pandavas


Yudhisthira is the brother of the Pandavas of the oldest. He is an incarnation of Lord Yama and born of Kunti. Its very wise, has no enemies, and almost never lied in his life. It has a very high morals and love mema'afkan and love to forgive the enemy who had surrendered. Having a nickname Dhramasuta (son of Dharma), Ajathasatru (which has no enemies), and Bharata (descendants of Bharata Maharaja.) He became a Maharaja world after the great war at Kurukshetra Aswamedha ends and held a ceremony for the sake of uniting the kingdoms of ancient India to be under its influence. After retirement, he traveled to the sacred mountain the Himalayas along with his brothers the other as an end of their lives. After a long journey, he got to heaven.


Bima is the second son of Kunti by Pandu. Bhima name in Sanskrit means "terrible". He is an incarnation of the god Bayu so having a nickname Bayusutha. Bima is very strong, long arms, his body height, and the most grim-faced among his brothers. Nevertheless, he has a good heart. Clever play mace weapons. Weapons gadanya named Rujakpala and good cook. Bima also liked to eat so called Werkodara. His skills in fighting desperately needed by the Pandavas to enable them to gain victory in the great battle at Kurukshetra. He has a son from the race rakshasa named Gatotkaca, participate and help his father at war, but the autumn. Bima finally won the battle and handed the throne to his brother, Yudhisthira. Towards the end of his life, he traveled with the Pandavas to the sacred mountain the Himalayas. There he died and get to heaven. In Javanese wayang, two other sons besides Gatotkaca is Antareja and Antasena.


Arjuna is the youngest son of Kunti by Pandu. His name (in Sanskrit) means "the shining", "the luminous". He is an incarnation of Lord Indra, the god of war. Arjuna has a proficiency in the science of archery and is considered the best knight by Drona. Kemahirannnya in the science of warfare make it as a pedestal of the Pandavas to be able to obtain victory while the great battle at Kurukshetra. Arjuna has many nicknames, such as Dhananjaya (usurper wealth - because he managed to collect tribute during the ceremony held Rajasuya Yudhisthira); Kirti (a crowned beautiful - because she is crowned by the god Indra beautiful when in heaven), Partha (son of Kunti - because he is the son of Kunti Perta alias). In the battle of Kurukshetra, he managed to gain the victory and was appointed king Yudhisthira. After Yudhisthira died, he traveled along the Himalayan mountain sacred to the Pandavas and the release of all life duniawai. There he died on the way and reach paradise.


Nakula is one of the twin sons of Madri and Pandu partner. He is an incarnation of the god named Aswin twins, the god of treatment. His twin brother named Sadewa, the smaller of him, and incarnation of the god is also Aswin. After her parents died, she and her sister was raised by Kunti, the wife of Pandu another. Nakul clever play sword weapon. Draupadi says that Nakul is the most handsome man in the world and is a powerful knight sword. He is actively working and happy to serve her brothers. In the period of exile in the forest, Nakul and three other Pandavas had died from drinking the poison, but he was revived at the request of Yudhisthira. In the guise of Matsya kingdom led by King Virata, he served as caretaker of the horse. Towards the end of his life, he followed the holy trip to the mountain of the Himalayas along with her brothers. There he died on his way and his soul reaches heaven.


Sadewa is one of the twin sons of Madri and Pandu partner. He is an incarnation of the god named Aswin twins, the god of treatment. His twin brother named Nakul, the more of it, and is the incarnation of the god Aswin as well. After her parents died, she and her sister was raised by Kunti, the wife of Pandu another. Sadewa was a very diligent and wise. Sadewa also a person who is an expert in the science of astronomy. Yudhisthira once said that Sadewa is a wise man, equal to Brihaspati, teacher of the Gods. He is actively working and happy to serve her brothers. In the guise of Matsya kingdom led by King Virata, he served as cattle herdsmen. Towards the end of his life, he followed the holy trip to the mountain of the Himalayas along with her brothers. There he died on his way and his soul reaches heaven.
Read More - Know the Five Pandavas

Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011


Puppet (wayang) one of the nation's top arts and culture of Indonesia's most prominent among the many works of other cultures. Culture puppets include acting, singing, music, speech arts, literary arts, painting, sculpture, and art is also symbolic. Culture of puppets, which continues to grow over time, also a lighting media, propaganda, education, entertainment, philosophical understanding, and entertainment.

According to the research of historians of culture, culture is a culture of wayang native to Indonesia, particularly in Java. The existence of puppets was many centuries before the Hindus go to the island of Java. Although a popular wayang story in today's society is an adaptation of the works of Indian literature, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. Both the main story in the puppet undergone many changes and additions to adapt them to the original philosophy of Indonesia.

Adjustment of the concept of this philosophy is also about the philosophical position of the Javanese people against the gods in the puppet. The gods in the puppet is no longer something that is free from wrong, but like any other God's creatures, sometimes acting wrong, and could be a blunder. The presence of figures (panakawan) deliberately created the culture of Indonesia (Javanese cultural exact) to reinforce the concept of philosophy that the world is not a creature was really good, and that is really bad. Each creature is always bearing the elements of good and evil.

In his dissertation titled Bijdrage tot de Kennis van het Javaansche Tooneel (1897), the Dutch cultural historian Dr. GA.J. Hazeau indicated his belief that the puppet is the original performance of Java. Understanding puppet in the dissertation Dr. Hazeau it is walulang inukir (a carved leather) and seen his shadow on the screen. Thus, the puppet in question certainly is a shadow play as we know it today.


Regarding the origins of this puppet, in the world there are two opinions. First, the notion that puppets originated and was first born on the island of Java, precisely in East Java. This opinion is in addition to adopted and raised by researchers and experts in the nation of Indonesia, also was the result of research of Western scholars. Among Western scholars belonging to this group, is Hazeau,
Brandes, Kats, Rentse, and Kruyt.

The reason they are quite strong. Among other things, that the art of puppet is still very closely related to sociocultural and religious state of the Indonesian people, especially the Javanese. Panakawan, the most important figures in a puppet, that Semar, Gareng, Petruk, Bagong, there are only puppets in Indonesia, and not in other countries. In addition, names and technical terms puppet shows, all from Java language (Sanskrit), and no other language.

Meanwhile, a second opinion suspected puppets from India, which brought together with the Hindu religion to Indonesia. They include Pischel, Hidding, Krom, Poensen, Goslings, and Rassers. Most of this second group is the British scholar, the European country which had colonized India.

However, since the 1950's, puppet books as if he had agreed that the puppets are coming from Java Island, and in no way be imported from other countries.

Culture puppet was born in Indonesia is estimated at least during the reign of King Airlangga, king Kahuripan (976 -1012), when the kingdom in East Java that was prosperous, prosperity. Literary works the subject of puppet stories have been written by the poets of Indonesia, since the X century Among other things, the script-language literature Kakawin Book of Old Javanese Ramayana written during the reign of King Dyah Balitung (989-910), which is a spin-off from the Book of the Ramayana written by Indian poet, Valmiki. Furthermore, the Javanese poet no longer just translating the Ramayana and the Mahabharata into Old Javanese language, but compose and retelling by entering into this philosophy of Java. For example, the professor's work Kanwa Arjunawiwaha Kakawin, which is composed of berinduk on the Book of Mahabharata. Composed by other, more obvious difference between the original story derigan Indian version, is Baratayuda Kakawin work professor and professor Sedah Panuluh. This great work done in the reign of King Jayabaya, king of Kediri (1130-1160).

Puppet as a performance and spectacle had already started there since the reign of King Airlangga. Some inscriptions are made in those days, among others already mentioned the words "mawayang 'and` aringgit' which means that the puppet show.
About the birth culture of puppets, Ir. Sri Mulyono in his book The symbolism and mysticism in the Puppet (1979), estimate the puppet has existed since the time of neolithikum, ie about 1,500 years before Christ. His opinion was based on the writings Robert von Heine-Geldern Ph. D, Prehistoric Research in the Netherlands

Indies (1945) and Prof. writing. K.A.H. Hidding in Indonesian Encyclopedia page 987.
The word `puppet 'probably derived from the word` wewayangan', which means shadow. This conjecture is consistent with the fact the Wayang Kulit performances are using a screen, a piece of cloth, as a barrier between the puppeteer who plays the puppet, and the audience behind the curtain. Viewers only saw movement through the shadow-puppet motion that falls on screen. At that time puppet performances accompanied only by a simple set of gamelan consist of saron, Todung (a type of flute), and kemanak. Other types of gamelan and singer at that time was allegedly not yet exist.

To further inculcate the culture of puppets, from the beginning era of the Majapahit Kingdom introduced another puppet story that does not berinduk on the Book of the Ramayana and Mahabharata. Since then ceritacerita Panji, the story of the ancestors of the kings of Majapahit, was introduced as one form of another puppet. Panji stories are then more widely used for Wayang Beber performances. Tradition menjawakan puppet story also forwarded by some Islamic clerics, among them by the Wali Sanga. They began mewayangkan story of the kings of Majapahit, among them the story Damarwulan.

Since the days Kartasura, composing a story that berinduk puppet in Ramayana and Mahabharata increasingly distant from the original. Since the time that people know the genealogy enthusiasts puppet puppet characters, including gods figure, which originated from the Prophet Adam. Sisilah it continues to arrive at the kings of Java. And then, began to be known also a puppet stories grip. that follow the standard story, and story lines beyond puppet carangan standard. In addition, there was more drama called splinter, which was too far out of the story grip.

Indeed, because so strong puppet art is rooted in the culture of Indonesia, so there was some confusion between the wayang stories, legends, and history. If the Indians think that the story of Mahabharata and Ramayana actually happened in his country, regarded Javanese wayang story actually happened on the island of Java.
And his own puppet in the region of Surakarta is still very interested by all circles. Not just by parents only, but also teenagers and even young children have also been unusual to see puppet show. Besides, puppet also commonly in use in certain events around the city of Surakarta, or outside the city of Surakarta